Good old case studies.
Ive finished mine just got one more assessment to do.
Anyways just fished my notes out on coeliac disease:
Malabsorption and falure to thrive caused by allergy to gluten in some grains which cause villi in the small intestine to atrophy and thus limit absorption. Symptoms anaemia and emaciation distended abdomen,itching, abdominal pains, diarrhoea-constipation.
Reflexes: stomach,digestive tract,especially small intestine Back up reflexes: spinal nerves to the area. adrenal and all glands, stress and immune reflexes.
Auxiliary Treatment: abstain from foods containing gluten. cleansing diet.
I guess you couldtry and keep them positive.
Ask if they have much support?
Try website:www.coeliac.co.uk