There is a great book i use but for info only. It is not really necessary to go into this that deeply. The chakras can be balanced with the simplest of technique. focusing on the spine, and location of the energy centre, coupled with focus on its associated colour, position and resonance is enough. people tend to think this is a major process when in fact it is quite the simplest! i use pendulum on my clients, and this helps to show what is in/out of balance and needs a little nurturing. when we work with the energy centres the balance can bring with it a healing process which is necessary for the body to go through but this again can be almost instant and an abundance of feelings can be felt. i used to worry about all my chakras, are they spinning in the right direction, what can i work on what can i do etc so now i spend a few moments 2 - 3 nights per week just picturing the spinal column and working from the root centre up to the top of the head and allowing my body to balance and bath in the beauty of this relaxing process. dont look too deep into it. although there are those that want to explore, i am merely stating that this is a very simple process that you can work on yourself and the journey brings you closer to your core/soul/you.
with love and hope this helps, i will try and find out the book i have and will let you know.