Holy Cow!! Someone invented a Hooters style massage business!
Everyone needs to eat, so everyone needs to work. Let me be the devils advocate here. Do you think Perkins, Apple Bee's, Olive Garden, and waitresses from local eateries complain about Hooters waitresses?
What industry hasnt been sexualized? Sex sells beer, soda, cars, sports, food, books, and a ton more. The promise of sexual fullfillment is a strong lure that apeals to our base instincts to reproduce. It is this way for all animals.
I remember recently hearing a story on "Calling All Pets," a radio call in show on PBS. The host was telling of an experiment done with doves. Male doves were repeatedly introduced to sexually receptive female doves. When they introduced the females, they always turned on a red light. After a while, just turning on the red light would excite the male doves.
I recall as a child collecting insects for 4H projects. I remember watching with interest at pinned moths with wings spread with more pins and paper were dying in a chamber filled with some sort of poisonous gas. With thier last bit of strength the female moths would dip their abdomens to lay thier eggs.
Sexual urges are strong and as we all know, clients (especially males) will take great chances to see if we will accomodate thier needs.