There are many chair massage books and videos out on that market that are very beneficial. As with the routine you are doing now, you pretty much have to tailor it to your style.I'm not sure where you practice or what techniques you perform, but I think you may need to do a little test marketing first. Since you already have steady clients, ask them if they and their fellow co-workers would be interested in you coming over to their places of business. This would be an opportunity to work your marketing skills on people you know and would prepare you for cold-calling other businesses. If you find it is something you actually are not interested in, maybe you can find a contract associate that will do that while you handle other aspects of your practice.I've found out that I love doing the work, but am very nervous when it comes to marketing my business. Being forced to do it doesn't make it any easier. So I started with going to places where I knew some people and that made it a little more tolerable. And, as I mentioned, I love working on clients and would rather let someone handle the marketing aspect while I learn new and different techniques that I can add to my routines. Either way, make sure that you are making a decisions that works well with your heart.