OK maybe this is just a bit of a rant and i may be Im out of touch.
Anyone else remember when people were opposed to nuclear power? I seem to remember arguments about how they would store waste material back when the idea was put it in concrete lined drums and drop it in the sea(great til they rust).
Oh and that nuclear power is very very safe.
That Chernobyl was more an issue or it being a "soviet" design and that it couldnt happen here.
It seems now we are told that it is clean energy , very safe and almost like solar and wind so lets close down those dirty coal plants and so on.
Whats changed are we just numbed by growing hydro bills? so we want to believe nuclear is clean cheap power?
As I said maybe im out of touch, but I have friends who were evacuated during chernobyl and much of the land around there is still contaminated, and now we see the troubles in Japan. Lets hope they get that under control with a out it turning into a worse disaster. But if they are really pumping sea water in to cool the reactor, they must be running short of ideas.
end rant
Anyone else remember when people were opposed to nuclear power? I seem to remember arguments about how they would store waste material back when the idea was put it in concrete lined drums and drop it in the sea(great til they rust).
Oh and that nuclear power is very very safe.
That Chernobyl was more an issue or it being a "soviet" design and that it couldnt happen here.
It seems now we are told that it is clean energy , very safe and almost like solar and wind so lets close down those dirty coal plants and so on.
Whats changed are we just numbed by growing hydro bills? so we want to believe nuclear is clean cheap power?
As I said maybe im out of touch, but I have friends who were evacuated during chernobyl and much of the land around there is still contaminated, and now we see the troubles in Japan. Lets hope they get that under control with a out it turning into a worse disaster. But if they are really pumping sea water in to cool the reactor, they must be running short of ideas.
end rant