Mugroso! (One of my all-time heroes)
Good to see you've made it over here, too.
Always enjoyed your posts and insights.
I agree with you. If a lady gives over-and-above service, a decent 'propina' means much more to her than it does to us.
If they start whining, I'm outta there instantly.
I know they're just trying to maximize their incomes and they've probably had plenty of jerkoffs rip them off, but damn, I'd like it to be because we felt they deserved it.
Did you ever notice how mongering is kinda like eBay? Somebody sees something they have to have, or don't really know the value and end up paying too much. Next thing you know, that becomes the standard and the 'seller' expects that much next time, too.
Don't mean to equate pussy with car parts, but I see a pattern.
Just my dos centavos.
Fayce Paynter