compensation in Chiropractic setting???
Masthera: I have no idea what is a fair payment in that type of setting. I'm in Charlotte, NC and the average 1 hr massage is around $60-65, and the average compensation is around $20 to $30 under a contract arangement. Would I want to ask for more than that in a chiro setting? If they supply supplies would $10/hour + $5 per 15 minute session be good? Should I ask $10 + $8? Too much? Too Little? Just want some opinions. I promise not to take it as gospel, but it helps me to think things through to hear differing opinions.
If they are supplying the supplies I would say 40%-50% is the norm for a perceneforum.xxxe split as an IC. Are they making your appointments? Are they doing insurance billing for the patient and then paying you direct for doing the massage? All things to take into account.
My situation is this:
They: Bill insurance, make appointments, advertise some(very little if at all for massage but good with word of mouth in office referals), supply room, stereo,table and other misc supplies (TP and papertowels).
Me as an IC: Supply sheets, music, cream, massage, soap notes and file, uniform, soap for bathroom, business cards, and misc. marketing.
Agreement of 50% of $60hr charge. But, Dr. bills $75 to insurance co. I receive nothing extra if he gets paid in full.
When I was working for a spa as an employee, I was paid $15 hour regardless. Charges for massage were about the same as where you are. If I was not doing massage I was helping to run the front desk, laundry, cleaning, ect. They supplied everything but uniform.
I have never worked in a situation where I did 15min-30min sessions. I would say that if you are choosing to be an employee than $10hr. +5 more per 15mins might be a little high since they would be supplying you with everything. Also what would you be doing for the $10 hour when not massaging?
If you choose to be an IC, It seems a little high if you do the 15 mins ($15 almost regular rate), but as you increase the time ($20 half hour and $30 hour) it is about normal. It can't hurt to ask. If they don't agree with it they can offer you a lower rate.
It really depends on what they are going to provide you.