I had a baby back in June, went to my 6 weeks appt, checked out fine. Dave and I started having sex again when we had time. We would play around with no protection, but he would not enter me without a condom. Now 9 weeks after giving birth, I still have no period, been waiting impatiently so I can start my birth control. But I have been having this thick, white, creamy/milky discharge that has no scent and these god awful cramps in my sides, but not any tenderness in my breasts, nor do I feel tired or sick, I pee the same as if I'm back pre- Ben days, mood swings I do have but I also think I'm suffering from a light case of postpartum which with each day it gets better. No changes in my diet, stress level is moderate since I have to get ready for daycare and get my car fixed before I can return to work. My energy level is great and of course I still have baby wieght to lose, but my pants fit just fine. I'm just scared to think I may be pregnant again. It freaks Dave out since I told him his pre is more potent with his sperm. We will go get a test this weekend. And advice?