Pulling a GFE from Suzy Wong's is not unheard of (I managed to do so for three days in Dec. 2010), but lately their girls have been more into as many Lady Drinks (LD) and ST sessions as they can rack up in an evening. Suzy's, Devil's Playground and Diablo (all on SeaDragon) are certainly fun places to hang out. However, you may have better luck finding a GFE at some of the discos (Hollywood, Tiger, etc.) with a freelancer (FL) who likes going with couples. That may require a couple late nights out, as the bars really get going around 10pm and the discos maybe 11pm. But this is Patong, so many things are possible. Of course, Mai Thai Bar is a good place to drop by and gather intel.
If the chemistry is right with one of your massage girls, she may also be up for GFE, but will probably still have to check into the shop daily and pay some sort of barfine equivalent. Some will also make house calls after hours. The shops are usually closed by midnight or earlier in some cases. Soi Kepsup is another place to check out during the day.
Best of luck. I'll be arriving on the morning of Feb. 10th, and staying at the Baipho Lifestyle. Just over three weeks from now, and I can hardly wait! I'll probably be a butterfly for at least the first couple days, but may be up for a GFE if I find the right girl.