Yet sometimes when we first become aware that we are feeling low and start to begin the self healing process of positive affirmations and positive thinking, this can be difficult.
To believe that saying nice things about yourself is going to work when our mood is in a position not to want to go with this.
In this instance just by asking within for god to work through someone else today,for someone to come and cheer you up, to bring a smile to your face, to ask for others around you to bring light to your heart brings amazing results.
For which if you are aware and sensitive to your request you will see just how many people will be responding to your call, yet they may not know within that you have made this call today, but through love and the call from their brother or sister in life everyone responds to who is needing.
The joy and happiness to see others come to bring release to you,to bring you a hug,a word to cheer your heart,all resulting from your call to them.
This is love and care in motion and proof that we are all connected as one.a natural instinct to come to the aid of others.Self healing through the love of others.In return as you witness this,you return to them.
Bringing back your belief in the power of your own self healing.