How the heck did you manage to leave Pistol Pete off of your list? Not only is Pete super respectful of the ladies, he also acts as a bodyguard to Jennifer of HFH when she goes to the weekly box socials. Plus, considering Pistol Pete is bi-sexual like myself and Pool (not sure if Indian Lover and Goodtime are bi) , you know that Pete would be more fun and openminded than a barrel of junkies.
I suggest you talk to Paul/IT so he can tell you what to expect as an MPA, what you have to do, if you're hot enough to make money at it, etc.
Even if you're not hot enough to be a top notch MPA, you can just keep posting on and you'll be pretty much guaranteed to have a loyal group of Body Sliding Men Who Behave Badly board members sing your praises.
Good luck, Cat.