A friend of mine took the course several years ago and promptly afterwards started a successul corporate massage business. David Palmer has a VERY specific technique sequence and style and he focuses a lot on proper alignment for both practitioner and client. I believe part of the course expense when my friend got cetified was purchasing the TouchPro massage chair which is recommended/required? for his program. Not sure if that's still the case today but worth considering. If you have the $$ and the drive to go through his certification process it will probably be worth your while. The value-adds for becoming Touch Pro certified are the CEU hours you get credit for and the onging support you get from David Palmer himself.On the flip side, I do a lot of seated massage work for businesses, health fairs, etc. and have found that simply by combining some traditional table techniques with some Healing Touch techniques I am able to give a great seated massage. If you're looking for a basic seated massage routine of the "quick and dirty" variety there are plenty of good videos available that don't require a huge investment.Good luck!JD