Of course, if you are reasonably attractive, and you speak some spanish, and you can make little jokes and shower them with compliments, then that usually loosens them up a bit. This has worked for me in the past.
In my TJ days, I use to play some romantic music on my cell phone, and sometimes sneak in a wrinkled rose or a little gift, all for the chica. I use to get kisses from the chicas this way, and the chicas would do the little things that women do when they are in to you.
For example, the chicas would look me in the eyes while we are fuking. Or, the chica would caress my face, or my bald head (happened alot), or kiss me on my head, or caress my chest, arms, stuff like that. From time to time, they would even move their nipples to my mouth, without my asking for it.
That said, I did have a few cold fishes, no matter what I did, most of whom would get an unexpected blast of cum in their face as punishment.