Agree with Minerva.
The soreness symptoms are NORMAL. Actually that's a good sign that the muscles are loosen up, are waking up. If you feel exhausted its because you have a lot of toxins on your body that are releasing, so yes... that's why you need to drink plenty of water to help you detoxify. You always need to drink plenty of water not only for your muscles. Don't use those machines for massage, I would recommend better to buy hot packs, that heat helps the muscles to get "maleable" and melt and then you can stretch. Don't use cold or ice on muscles unless you have an inflammation. Don't put heat on swellings.
You have to keep going on therapy!! knots and adhesions compress nerves and arteries, and those will create pain, tingling, cramps, numbness, etc. Don't worry, the more you get therapy, the less pain you will feel, the better you will feel.