system - opinions? Harry Reid has confirmed that in 2 weeks, Democrats will bring a bill to the Senate floor which will address four issues key to reforming the energy sector in the United States: responding to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; promoting clean energy and job creation; limiting consumer prices for energy; and reducing energy consumption.
"Reid said the bill will only aim to cut pollution from energy utilities and power plants, and not from transportation, agriculture or other pollution-emitting sectors of the American economy."
One moderate Republican, Sen Olympia Snowe, said she's open -- but not committed to -- supporting a utility-only carbon cap.
What do you think about this strategy from the Democrats? Is it a good idea to pair the cap and trade system with energy reform and oil spill response? Is it a good idea to limit the cap and trade to utilities only? Will the bill pass this year?
"As is typical I have to translate it into reality"
Translation: here's how right-wing extremists will spin this legislation.
Expeller - I predicted that a cap and trade bill would probably pass this year. Please stop mischaracterizing my statements.
DrM - utilities are the largest carbon pollutuers, more than transportation.
Silver Bear - I suggest you do a little research on concentrated solar thermal energy.
"Reid said the bill will only aim to cut pollution from energy utilities and power plants, and not from transportation, agriculture or other pollution-emitting sectors of the American economy."
One moderate Republican, Sen Olympia Snowe, said she's open -- but not committed to -- supporting a utility-only carbon cap.
What do you think about this strategy from the Democrats? Is it a good idea to pair the cap and trade system with energy reform and oil spill response? Is it a good idea to limit the cap and trade to utilities only? Will the bill pass this year?
"As is typical I have to translate it into reality"
Translation: here's how right-wing extremists will spin this legislation.
Expeller - I predicted that a cap and trade bill would probably pass this year. Please stop mischaracterizing my statements.
DrM - utilities are the largest carbon pollutuers, more than transportation.
Silver Bear - I suggest you do a little research on concentrated solar thermal energy.