I was hoping for some advice, last year I had an L5 S1 discectomy as an emergency then this year injured my back and have been off work since.I had an epidural in June for pain relief as I suffered back and leg pain. In July I found out I was pregnant and although unexpected I am so happy. My only concern now is the epidural is no longer working and I'm in a lot pain, I really do not want to take any medication for pain that will effect my baby, are there any other options out there?
I was hoping for some advice, last year I had an L5 S1 discectomy as an emergency then this year injured my back and have been off work since.I had an epidural in June for pain relief as I suffered back and leg pain. In July I found out I was pregnant and although unexpected I am so happy. My only concern now is the epidural is no longer working and I'm in a lot pain, I really do not want to take any medication for pain that will effect my baby, are there any other options out there?