Ok, so I'm almost 16 and I'm a pitcher for softball. I've seen a couple different chiropractors and they haven't really worked for me. I have bad circulation, like just holding my head up for five minutes makes my hand go numb. I'm not overweight, I'm also very active. I have severe pain all the time, and pitching makes it worse, but softball is my passion and there is no way I'm giving it up. When I take a deep breath, it feels like my lungs can't expand all the way. I always have tension throughout my back, like if one of my friends give me a message the first thing they say is "oh my gosh you are so tense" and then as they work their way down my spine they say "you have tons of knots." So tension, knots and pain. Do I need to see a massage therapist? No stupid answers please! Thanks <3