I disagree with you, KT. Mexican-American chicas, for the most part, aren't looking for successful and good looking Mexican American men. They, like ALL chicas, are looking for successful and good looking men. Period.
People are drawn to people who attract them, and that has to do more with what it is that makes a person attractive. For the well adjusted people: sharp looking (to them, and that is different things to different people), confident, educated, sets high goals, interesting, etc.
To the people who aren't well adjusted, I think it has a lot to do with physical attraction and looking for someone who can take care of them. Since neither tends to be independent, they become dependent on each other, then addicted to booze or other drugs, jealousy, messing around, fighting, divorce, alimony, child support, no child support, single parent......just keep trying to swim upstream while the water swirls in the toilet bowl, knowwhutimean?
By the way, a SG named Sonya didn't seem to have any problems with self esteem. She's probably been in the biz for awhile, but friendly and fun-loving.
I'm sure she would rather be selling real estate or something else. These chicas never know who their next customer will be, kind, mean, clean, dirty, abusive......