Well I was futzing around online one day, and came across an interesting alternative view on the subject. Now I didn't read all of it, just enough to get the jist of it.
We don't have a soul mate. We actually have multiple soul mates, and not solely in the manner that the term is normally used. Close friends and family would construe as soul mates. Basically take a group of souls, and 'you' are one of them. As the souls travel from one life to the next their paths keep crossing, and influencing each other. So the same soul could be your lover in one life, brother in the next, and father in the following.
Now another thing the same article put forward was True Flames. They contend that a soul is "huge", and the aspect we see an an individual is actually just the tip of the iceberg. But we're not the only tip that said soul has in play. It's just extremely rare for two aspects of the same soul to meet. But they are referred to as True Flames....Or is it Twin Flame? I don't recall what kind of relationship is to be expected out of those.
I'm a bit of a romantic fool, myself, so the idea or a soul mate is very enticing.
Them the realistic side of me steps up and says "this isn't a fairy tale!" This side of me agrees with Genevieve, that we are much more responsible for the direction of our lives and those in it.
Then the defective side steps up and pitches in and adds "who in their right mind would choose you?" or "once they know what you're really like...."