I've always enjoyed having a blog on my website. I have been a bit behind on adding new posts as I'm working on relauching my website soon and it'll just be more content to move.
I wonder how many gents read blogs when ladies have them? To be truthful, I find most amateur blogs are hard to read. They may have the occasional good entry but generally aren't worth keeping up with on an ongoing basis. Every now and then I find a gem amongst the static noise.
Blogging for me is primarily an indirect communication between me and my friends - not just the few gents I philander about with, but pen pals, and casual friends as well. I also use it as a way to share the wonderful things that cross my world - I am enamored of words and thoughts, and am overjoyed that the internet allows me to share the amazing things I find.
The unexpected side benefit of my blog over the years has been almost as a personality profile screening. People who I enjoy my blog are often people I find intellectually attractive - it gives people compatible to me a chance to explore that before they contact me. So the longer I've been around, the more and more I meet people who are intellectually compatible because they read before they contact me.
I also enjoy writing short stories, and what good is it to write them, if no one reads them?
I had people I never heard from in any context previously writing me to say 'Why did you stop?' Interesting to know that I had people who never emailed me, who never posted on boards, for some strange reason keeping up with my erotic fiction. And flattering to say the least.
On the opposite end of that, I occasionally have people read something in my blog and contact me only to discuss that piece. Which is quite nice. It's like running through a meadow with your eyes closed and seeing what butterflies you catch in your net. When you reach out, you never know who you will touch.
I wonder how many gents read blogs when ladies have them? To be truthful, I find most amateur blogs are hard to read. They may have the occasional good entry but generally aren't worth keeping up with on an ongoing basis. Every now and then I find a gem amongst the static noise.
Blogging for me is primarily an indirect communication between me and my friends - not just the few gents I philander about with, but pen pals, and casual friends as well. I also use it as a way to share the wonderful things that cross my world - I am enamored of words and thoughts, and am overjoyed that the internet allows me to share the amazing things I find.
The unexpected side benefit of my blog over the years has been almost as a personality profile screening. People who I enjoy my blog are often people I find intellectually attractive - it gives people compatible to me a chance to explore that before they contact me. So the longer I've been around, the more and more I meet people who are intellectually compatible because they read before they contact me.
I also enjoy writing short stories, and what good is it to write them, if no one reads them?
I had people I never heard from in any context previously writing me to say 'Why did you stop?' Interesting to know that I had people who never emailed me, who never posted on boards, for some strange reason keeping up with my erotic fiction. And flattering to say the least.
On the opposite end of that, I occasionally have people read something in my blog and contact me only to discuss that piece. Which is quite nice. It's like running through a meadow with your eyes closed and seeing what butterflies you catch in your net. When you reach out, you never know who you will touch.