I occasionally dine out on Asian cuisine (about 4 times a year). They have all been russian roulette Reviewom the Courier Mail. There's a swag of them at Sunnybank, mainly Chinese or Korean in appearance, and a heap at Kangaroo Pt. who are Thai or Balinese. What I like about Asians is they are petite, cute, and submissive, but can be quite cold and businesslike. My most recent encounters have been with Sam, the prettiest and Reviewiendliest little pixie I have ever set eyes on, who I picked up off the street, well SHE picked ME up actually, and Island Girl (CM), who I had previously seen as Miss Bali in a Turbot St Hotel. It's pointless doing detailed reviews, as Asians are notorious for changing their names and location. So I'm not much use to you, Evil, I'm aReviewaid. Good luck in your hunting.
BTW, Sam disappeared not long mpter I met her, and it took me a while to get over it. But in some ways I'm glad she's no longer around, cos I have a tendency to get addicted and that costs money big time as I've found in the past.