Over the years I have found that some people will drift in their "taking everything you say: to heart. Some of that is because they start to learn to read their bodies, and for good or bad, they may begin to think they know what is good for them -- better than their therapist.
I am of the mindset that many times they do (and sometimes they don't). I encourage my clients to think for themselves and not depend on everything I tell them. As a matter of fact, I pretty much do this from the get go. I tell them what I will be doing to try and help them, I tell them to let me know if they feel like they need something else and I do refer them out when I feel someone else I know will be able to help them better. I am happy to shell out advice, bit I do so in a limited manner. I have found that many people don't want to hear what someone else has to say anyway -- what many people like is to be able to tell us their story. In telling, they begin to heal. I can't tell you the number of people I have had over the years that will say (6 months down the road) - "Do you know what I discovered today? etc etc etc" -- and 6 times out of 10 it is something that I have told them on multiple occasions. Sometimes they just have to be ready to find for themselves what you have been saying all along.
I don't take it personally. I offer, and if they don't take, don't need or don't want, I try again. After a few tries, I'll just stop with the offering and just do what I do in regard to their sessions. No need to belabor the points.
What I am trying to say is, it's not so big of a deal if people don't listen. But, we try to help when we can and let the rest sort itself out. Just don't worry too much if someone decides to see someone else.... it's their choice and it frees your practice up for another client who may fit better.
Also, sometimes clients bodies need to shift therapists anyway. I think that can also help the body to begin healing again in a new way that it may not have gone in, just because it got used to the same touch for long periods of time.
I am sorry I am rambling, but I hope something in here helps.