Does Direct Mail Marketing Work?
$700 for 1000 pieces is outrageous. ValPak is a much better deal. We get a 20,000 piece mailing for under $500. The return rate varies but is always profitable. Whenever you do advertising, track your expenses, date of mailing/delivery, and how many responses you get prior to the expiration date. Keep this info handy for future reference. Also, direct mail pieces usually work better if you use the same method 2-3 times in a row. For example, do ValPak 1-2 times between now and Christmas, then again prior to Valentine's Day. This will help you maximize your exposure leading into two of the top gift card sales periods. Many times mailing services will give you a break on multiple mailings, so ask about that option.
Single-time mailings are hit-and-miss, and usually don't have a strong response rate. On average, expect 2% or less response rate on any direct mail piece you do. That will help you do that math to figure out if it may be worth your investment.
With venues like ValPak, look to see who has been advertising, as they'll be sharing the envelope with your ad. Make sure your offers are competitive with those of other massage providers (if any). Remember that ValPak ads usually also show up online and can be printed off. They will look different from the print ad, so check that out as well.