I definitely think it matters. I think it is a very big part of the experience.I am a Master Teacher and I have students that come to refresh because they feel they meet other Reiki people and realize they missed some important teachings. I had one student who took level 1 and !! come to find out how to do distance healings. She had no clue but she did take level II. I've had a few of that Master's students come to me with that same need. Choose your teachers with care, IMHO.
A good article I found on this:
(snipped for brevity)
So who has the real Reiki? I believe we all do. We all have the ability to pass on this sacred energy, to be a healing force for another. However, I and many others believe it is vital to follow some traditional standards, to become as clear as possible as channels for this universal life force, most especially at the Master training level. In the beginning, a comprehensive study, an apprenticeship, existed, but in many systems today the training has changed. In their book *A Complete Book of Reiki Healing, Brigitte Müller and Horst H. Günther warn us, “In the last years, a lot of people participated in Reiki crash courses, or just one or two weekends of training, without following the traditional way of learning Reiki. The practice of Reiki has been diluted and abused.”
A few years ago, a teacher came to town and taught Level One, Two and Master in a weekend for a bargain price. We called it blue light special, or five and dime Reiki. Many showed up at my door to retrain. You truly get what you pay for. What needs to occur for us to call ourselves a Master at what we do? Can a weekend do it, or – worse yet – a day? And even far worse than that, a distant initiation over cyberspace? How would the holy man on the mountain feel about that? The fact that we capitalize the words Reiki Master might give us a clue about the importance of the preparation.
For those seeking to train in Reiki, what do you look for in a Master teacher? Here are some questions that you can ask: What is the Master’s lineage? How long have they been working with Reiki and how long have they been teaching? Are they following the principles and fundamentals of the training they received? Do they respect other disciplines and teachers? What are their requirements, especially for the Master level? Can they offer a support group and opportunities for volunteering Reiki in the community? It is so important to choose your teachers wisely.
Reiki Masters, what do you want to create? What do you want to send out into the world? We have already made great strides, and this will expand even more in the years to come. Do you want to feel confident that the one you have trained is solid and completely prepared to carry on the sacred initiation and tradition that Dr. Usui created for us a long time ago? Crash courses and shortcuts are not the answer.
A quick fix, a quick move through the levels of Reiki without the necessary practice and preparation is a grave disservice to Reiki, the student, and the recipient. We as teachers have been given a great responsibility, and that is to know if and when a student is ready, and to guide them into and through Mastership. A comprehensive course of study, including the proper time, requirements, and supervision, will allow a solid foundation to occur as well as a deep process of soul, heart, and mind evolution. Great healing can happen for the student at the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Let us give that the honor and time it deserves.