The gender of the therapist has nothing to do with anything.
Any worthwhile massage therapist is going to include the glutes and deep hip rotators in a full-body massage, because they are an important muscle group that many people have issues with. I can't tell you how many people get on my table complaining of lower back pain who have trigger points in gluteus maximus or hypertonicity in the piriformis. If they are wearing no underwear or a thong, I take it to mean they are allowing me to undrape their glutes and work on the area directly. If they are wearing full-coverage underwear, then I still work the area through the sheet.
Happy endings? Please. If that's what you're after, go find yourself a nice prostitute. Or better yet, how about a girlfriend? Don't come into a legit massage establishment with those expectations. That's how you get yourself blacklisted. No good therapist would want to risk losing her license permanently over that ridiculousness.