This theory makes sense, but wouldn't you expect a lot more MP's to be open late (after last call)?
I thought the thread was going to be about MPA's who drink a lot. Lots of references on the board about MPA's who like to party hard. Just wondering if the MPA profession might take over from doctors who are known for high rates of alcoholism. This might not be an issue for us, since they don't have to "get anything up" but there could be a lot of drunk-driving MPA's on the road in a rage because of their last client that makes our driving on the 401 extra hazardous.
One MPA I'm thinking of, with a great rep here on, has been known to drink work. Hopefully she'll clean up her act before management says bye-bye or she "runs into" a problem on the way home, cuz she's a sweet heart when sobered up.
Yes honey - this means you. And the first step to recovery is recognizing you have a drinking problem!