BJB-LMP said:
My mother has this condition, and a combination of massage and acupuncture have kept it totally at bay. Reversed it, actually. It can start to creep back, but as long as we keep working it and she has acupuncture a few times a year, it completely loosens back up.
BJB-LMP, can you be more specific about the types of massage that have helped this condition? Cross fiber friction, lots of stretching, application of heat? Anything you could share would be most appreciated. I actually have 2 siblings with this condition.
Sister #2 who has been diagnosed with it... and Sister #3 who has recently developed it (though it hasn't been officially diagnosed yet). I guess I feel I might be able to help Sister #3 since it has just recently developed - within the past 6 months or so.
I have been told there is a strong genetic component... (Northern European or Scandinavian descent). Apparently there is also a strong correlation between Dupuytren's contracture and smoking, drinking, thyroid problems, diabetes, epilepsy, alcoholism and liver disease.
Interesting that one source mentions that people who have Dupuytren's Contracture often suffer from Plantar Fasciitis as well. (This is the case with Sister #2, who also has a couple correlating factors mentioned above.)
Gratelakes, I totally understand your frustration with the client who would rather have surgery that try to address it with regular massage. My sister #2 is like that as well... though if I lived closer I'm sure she'd let me massage it for her. You know, for free. *cough* :roll: