I will attempt to respond to the last two posts.
When Burt says escorts may work in bars or other agencies, he meant providers from websites. Many of the bar girls just work their bar...some double as escorts. I have even known chicas to work a bar daytime and switch to another bar at night.
Often the chicas from internet sites have school or another job and do escorting to pad their income a bit A few hundred a week for a few hours work is often perceived as better than sitting 8 hours in a bar hoping for a good day. In escorting you just live you life and work when requested. It is an attractive gig for most providers.
As far as face pictures. I am struggling with this a lot. Family members often find the sites and then providers take their pics down. I think hiding the face is silly, because I would guess that if Mom saw a picture of her daughter she would recognize her daughter...or at least the clothes she is wearing. I have to be careful who I send pictures to, so I limit sending pics to our clients.
I have one chica, that will remain nameless and she dated a guy in the LA area. The guy is now married, but is constantly trying to set up dates with her and she wants nothing to do with him. He is calling her and saying if she is not off the site, he is telling her family....and this mother fucker has a wife and is broke up with her. He has called from multiple phone numbers and written from several e-mail addresses.