Traci Rosenbaum, Great Falls Tribune Published 1:28 p.m. MT Oct. 7, 2019
The girl, now 16, who accused three boys of raping her outside the York Fair said she stands by her testimony. All three were acquitted at trial. Cameron Clark, York Daily Record
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Gene Lynn Watson awaits a status hearing in district court Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019.
Gene Watson, a former massage therapist and massage therapy instructor who was accused of rape by two women, has entered into a plea agreement in district court.
Police charged Watson, 48, with two counts of sexual intercourse without consent in January after two women came forward accusing him of raping them under the guise of legitimate massage therapy sessions.
The plea agreement, signed Sept. 23, states that Watson will enter an Alford plea to two counts of misdemeanor sexual assault and one count of felony sexual assault.
An Alford plea is a type of guilty plea in which a defendant maintains innocence but agrees to plead guilty in exchange for reduced charges or other considerations.
When he was accused of rape, Watson had already faced a civil suit for sexually assaulting multiple students at the Montana Academy of Salons, which was settled in 2017.
In Watson’s plea agreement, the prosecution recommends six months in the Cascade County Detention Center for each of the two misdemeanors and five years in the Montana State Prison for the felony with no possibility of parole.
If the judge elects not to restrict Watson’s parole for the duration of his prison sentence, the prosecution recommends he not be eligible for parole until he has completed both phases of sex offender treatment while incarcerated.
The agreement also stipulates that should law enforcement bring additional charges against Watson before his sentencing date, the plea agreement can be withdrawn.
A date for Watson’s change of plea hearing has not yet been set.
Criminal justice reporter Traci Rosenbaum reports on law enforcement issues for the Tribune. Have ideas or questions for Traci on her beat? Reach her at or 406-791-1490. Follow her on Twitter @GFTrib_TRosenba.
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Read or Share this story: Ex-massage therapist accused of rape in Great Falls signs plea agreement

The girl, now 16, who accused three boys of raping her outside the York Fair said she stands by her testimony. All three were acquitted at trial. Cameron Clark, York Daily Record
Gene Lynn Watson awaits a status hearing in district court Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019.
Gene Watson, a former massage therapist and massage therapy instructor who was accused of rape by two women, has entered into a plea agreement in district court.
Police charged Watson, 48, with two counts of sexual intercourse without consent in January after two women came forward accusing him of raping them under the guise of legitimate massage therapy sessions.
The plea agreement, signed Sept. 23, states that Watson will enter an Alford plea to two counts of misdemeanor sexual assault and one count of felony sexual assault.
An Alford plea is a type of guilty plea in which a defendant maintains innocence but agrees to plead guilty in exchange for reduced charges or other considerations.
When he was accused of rape, Watson had already faced a civil suit for sexually assaulting multiple students at the Montana Academy of Salons, which was settled in 2017.
In Watson’s plea agreement, the prosecution recommends six months in the Cascade County Detention Center for each of the two misdemeanors and five years in the Montana State Prison for the felony with no possibility of parole.
If the judge elects not to restrict Watson’s parole for the duration of his prison sentence, the prosecution recommends he not be eligible for parole until he has completed both phases of sex offender treatment while incarcerated.
The agreement also stipulates that should law enforcement bring additional charges against Watson before his sentencing date, the plea agreement can be withdrawn.
A date for Watson’s change of plea hearing has not yet been set.
Criminal justice reporter Traci Rosenbaum reports on law enforcement issues for the Tribune. Have ideas or questions for Traci on her beat? Reach her at or 406-791-1490. Follow her on Twitter @GFTrib_TRosenba.
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Read or Share this story: Ex-massage therapist accused of rape in Great Falls signs plea agreement