When I go on Facebook I always have my chat on 'offline', and it even shows that it is offline on the bottom right-hand tab for chat. However, when I'm browsing through Facebook people start messaging me because apparently I appear to be 'online', and that's not what it shows on my screen... :S I would really appreciate if anyone can help me iron out this issue so that when my chat is offline, people actually don't see me on their online list. Thanks a lot for any help!
On a side note: when I go under the messages section (where all your convos/messages between friends are saved) at the top it says "text messaging is on"... maybe thats why? does anyone know how to turn it off??
On a side note: when I go under the messages section (where all your convos/messages between friends are saved) at the top it says "text messaging is on"... maybe thats why? does anyone know how to turn it off??