Go opposite of ME, dont offer discounted massage. Have people pay MORE for the massage. People equate inexpensive with poor quality. This I believe is the reason so many MT's are up in arms about massage. They believe ME is cheapening massage. It really isnt.
I remember pre Cost Cutters. I was a kid, my mom had never taken me to get my hair cut at any place but locally owned places. She had a price in mind, and if one place raised their prices to much to her liking, she took us somewhere else. We had hair, and she thought it needed to be cut, so it was cut, somewhere that was in her price range.
When I was a teen making my own money, it was time for me to pay for my own cuts. I wasnt good at making appointments, so often I went to Cost Cutters. There was a stigma associated with cost cutters. I wouldnt tell anyone where I had my hair cut! In my mind, Cost Cutters was cheap, and I didnt want my friends to think I was cheap.
People like to brag. If someone comments on their hair cut and wants to know where they had it done, they proudly tell them the name of some high priced salon. I had a hair dresser tell me this when I first started up. She raises her hair cut prices by one dollar every single year. She rarely hears complaints.
You dont have to get your hair cut. If you dont cut your hair you wont die. Getting your hair cut isnt in the same category as buying food. It is ingrained in American womens minds that we must get our hair cut, colored, permed, straightened, or whatever. Your typical woman equates a good head of hair with feeling good. I can see this thing happening with massage as well. Once people get a taste of it, they like how it makes them feel, relaxed, less pain, more energy, whatever... they like it. It is up to us to engrain the massage message to people. Massage is in its infancy in the US. Just as most people think, "I have hair, it must be cut," we need to beat it in their heads that, they also have a body and must have it massaged.