When: August 20th at 7pm
Where: El Torito Pub on Rev near 3rd Street
Why: 2nd anniversary of my 50th birthday
There will be a raffle to offset the cost of the band. Two winners will receive a free one hour date with the chica of his choice....also will be other prizes.
Contra Tiempo will be performing. Since it is my birthday celebration and I never really get to party with you guys, I will have them stay late and we can party after the 10pm raffle when my work is pretty much over. Beer, soda and bottled water will be free as usual.
I will do a much better job of getting chicas to this one. Two parties ago, we had over 30 chicas and I expect at least that many this time.
Raffle tickets are $10 each, 3 for $20 and 20 for $100. Winners will be drawn at 10pm and I am thinking of a creative way to give away more prizes...we will see what I can come up with.
Now if you are a newbie or a lurker, no worries, you are invited. No one needs to share their handle and you can bring a friend...guy or lady.
Hope to see you guys the 20th.
Your presence is presents enough, thank you.