No Bohemian I won't be there I'll be in church after all I was born a catholic, so I would consider a mongering get together on Good Friday as sacrilege. But you go and have fun, maybe meet a new girl afterwards. ( I forgot about me saying I never lie, so OK I won't be in church), actually I been real good, haven't been to TJ for weeks now, a new record)
I remember a few years back thinking the zona would not be packed on Easter Sunday because so many girls are Catholic, boy was I wrong. The girls may be Catholic, but they are non practicing so if you hear any guys coming to this site telling you girls don't make guys wear condoms because of their religion probably don't know what they are talking about?
Have fun at the fiesta, and don't forget on Good Friday most places in TJ are closed or they close early, it's like a holiday, except the bars will be open.