Hi all,
I work for Find a Reflexologist Ltd, so i'll be biased, but it's been going really well, and the response from the public has been fantastic. Sarah I'm sure with the traffic going through the website you will get a new client through us, it sometimes takes a little time, but the advertising thats been going out the door has been working effectively and the link ups with Macmillan Cancer Relief, Womens Institute and The Eden Project have all helped gather the pace of the public rumaging through the website.
I'll stop typing incase i get accused of advertising and just add few comments other members have added:
"Just a little note to say thank you. I thought you might like to know that today I received my first client from your website. My profile has only been running for two weeks, so that is excellent for me." Sheila Elmer
"Thank you for your ideas. I needed some inspiration, it is easy (for me)to get into a rut. Thanks for 'Find a reflexologist'. I had my first client booking a couple of days ago,- thanks" Julie Adams
"I've been in findareflexologist since June. I've had two contacts from potential clients since joining. The most recent is about to begin treatment this week. So it is working but no one should expect instant results. It is going to take time. Hang on in there." J Thompson
"I joined in September and had 2 new clients through you within 4 weeks, just had another, so 3 in 7 weeks since joining" Alison Ledger
The list goes on but rest assured we are constantly trying to find you all new clients, and thank you for having the faith in us at the start, we hope to repay the favour asap.