Flip-flops and a *****
2 friends Jo and Henry are sitting at a bar.
Jo looks a little depressed.
Henry - "What's Wrong Jo"
Jo - "It's my wife's birthday next week and I've got no clue what to get her"
Henry - "It was just my wife's birthday last month"
Jo - "Whaddah get her?"
Henry - "A Mercedes Benz and a diamond ring"
Jo - "WTF?!?"
Henry - "Well, that way, if she doesn't like the Mercedes, she's bound to like the diamond ring"
Jo - "hmmm...."
Few days later, same 2 guys sitting at the bar.
Henry - "So Jo, you figure out what to get your wife for her birthday"
Jo - "Yeah, I got her flip-flops and a dildo"
Henry - "WTF?!?!"
Jo - "Well, that way if she doesn't like the flip-flops, she can go fuck herself"