Foot Pain
are these Curves members overweight? If so, how much? What kind of shoes are they wearing to support this extra weight?When I have clients that complain of their feet hurting, there can be many causes. PLantar Facialis(spelled completely wrong, so lets just say heel spurs) can be one thing and if that is the case I always suggest investing in a good pair of shoes, such as Dansko, which are excellent for his condition. If the feet hurt because of being on them all day, I suggest taking breaks and elevating the feet, if not, you can easily develop spider veins and vericose veins and no one wants that. Also, at the end of the day, soak them in warm water and epsom salt, very relaxing and also good for the back. If their feet hurt because they are supporting alot of extra weight, well then it seems they are already coming to the right place and hopefully it will be motivation to lose those extra pounds. Think about it, we are all different shapes and sizes, but underneath it all our skeletons are virtually the same size, so to speak, they can olnly support so much weight before you incur aches and pains. Believe me, I am 8 months pregnant and this extra 25 pounds is killing my back!!!!