There are many forms of marketing your massage business. Some which are great and costly and some which are just plain ineffective. Finding marketing strategies that are both inexpensive and effective can be a very difficult task. Trying to make an income in massage solely with your hands is also very limiting. When you're not massaging are you still making an income? If not, you are missing out on a very essential tool for your success in Massage Therapy.."the internet".
Many people are looking online for solutions to the problems they are having. A lot which could be answered by Massage Therapists. Some are looking for answers on what to do about pain and relaxation, others are looking for ways to cope with ailments they might have. Problem is, not many therapists are online answering these questions because most limit their skills to physical massage only.
While giving massage is essential to our society, sharing your knowledge of how to solve these problems is also crucial. By placing yourself on the front line in cyber world, people will view you as an expert in your field. You will then be able to make additional income by offering services that go beyond "physical" massage. Just think for a moment...when was the last time you googled something that was ailing you physically or mentally? Wouldn't you like to be the answer. The internet is so wide open for Massage Therapists right now that it's like a kid in a candy store. And to be able to have the WORLD at your fingertips and not just your local community it's like icing on a cake. Below you will find a few ways to make an income online with your skills and 3 strategies to market them.
Things you could do (these are only a few ways):
-Write an Ebook: An Ebook is simply a PDF. Type up a PDF using a service like Open Office (free software) that solves a problem that most have, then market it on your blog or website (Ebooks can be very short!)
-Record an Audio Ebook: If you don't like writing, record an ebook instead and deliver it to your online customers electronically
-Personal Coaching for clients: Create lifestyle plans for your clients that solve the problems they are having (coaching can be done via emails, phone, skype or through a platform like a interactive blog or forum.
-Group Coaching for clients: (can be done via conference calls scheduled weekly or by using a service like GoToWebinar or GoToMeeting where you are able to be even more interactive with the group and will allow you to create visual presentations for everyone to be involved in and with the ability to speak to each participant)
- Personal & Group Coaching for therapists: This is similar to coaching for your clients but instead it would be coaching other therapists on areas of your own expertise. Many therapists find different aspects of Massage Therapy challenging. You could benefit from this by offering them coaching in these areas.
-Create a How-to video series: Using powerpoint and a software called camtasia create a video series that walks your online clients through a particular topic that solves a problem
**All the service and electronic products above can be created in less than 48 hours and be marketed right away. It's best to use a website or blog as your central hub to market the products and use other internet resources to drive targeted prospects to the site where they would then see what you are offering. Below are 2 ways to get targeted prospects to your site and position them to transition into loyal customers.
Article Marketing: The key is to offer value to the community of clients that you are targeting. By using a service like EzineArticles, you would write a massage related article and include your website or blog details in the resource section of your article. This would then drive traffic to your site in which they would be introduced to your products and services. Remember giving VALUE first is very important.
Video Marketing: One of the biggest and most effective strategies online right now is video marketing. Most people would rather watch a video than read an article or post. Google tends to favor videos in the search engines as well. By creating 5 minute videos that are massage related, uploading them into Youtube and then including your website or blog link, you can not only drive a ton of targeted traffic to your site but you could also rank your site better in the search engines (both mean more money for you).
Marketing does not have to be a horrible task, it can actually be VERY exciting. By coming up to speed with what really works and is effective in this day and age in the marketing world, you can set yourself leaps and bounds ahead of the rest.
If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Look for my next post real soon with more valuable online tips and tricks that can make your income soar!
Many people are looking online for solutions to the problems they are having. A lot which could be answered by Massage Therapists. Some are looking for answers on what to do about pain and relaxation, others are looking for ways to cope with ailments they might have. Problem is, not many therapists are online answering these questions because most limit their skills to physical massage only.
While giving massage is essential to our society, sharing your knowledge of how to solve these problems is also crucial. By placing yourself on the front line in cyber world, people will view you as an expert in your field. You will then be able to make additional income by offering services that go beyond "physical" massage. Just think for a moment...when was the last time you googled something that was ailing you physically or mentally? Wouldn't you like to be the answer. The internet is so wide open for Massage Therapists right now that it's like a kid in a candy store. And to be able to have the WORLD at your fingertips and not just your local community it's like icing on a cake. Below you will find a few ways to make an income online with your skills and 3 strategies to market them.
Things you could do (these are only a few ways):
-Write an Ebook: An Ebook is simply a PDF. Type up a PDF using a service like Open Office (free software) that solves a problem that most have, then market it on your blog or website (Ebooks can be very short!)
-Record an Audio Ebook: If you don't like writing, record an ebook instead and deliver it to your online customers electronically
-Personal Coaching for clients: Create lifestyle plans for your clients that solve the problems they are having (coaching can be done via emails, phone, skype or through a platform like a interactive blog or forum.
-Group Coaching for clients: (can be done via conference calls scheduled weekly or by using a service like GoToWebinar or GoToMeeting where you are able to be even more interactive with the group and will allow you to create visual presentations for everyone to be involved in and with the ability to speak to each participant)
- Personal & Group Coaching for therapists: This is similar to coaching for your clients but instead it would be coaching other therapists on areas of your own expertise. Many therapists find different aspects of Massage Therapy challenging. You could benefit from this by offering them coaching in these areas.
-Create a How-to video series: Using powerpoint and a software called camtasia create a video series that walks your online clients through a particular topic that solves a problem
**All the service and electronic products above can be created in less than 48 hours and be marketed right away. It's best to use a website or blog as your central hub to market the products and use other internet resources to drive targeted prospects to the site where they would then see what you are offering. Below are 2 ways to get targeted prospects to your site and position them to transition into loyal customers.
Article Marketing: The key is to offer value to the community of clients that you are targeting. By using a service like EzineArticles, you would write a massage related article and include your website or blog details in the resource section of your article. This would then drive traffic to your site in which they would be introduced to your products and services. Remember giving VALUE first is very important.
Video Marketing: One of the biggest and most effective strategies online right now is video marketing. Most people would rather watch a video than read an article or post. Google tends to favor videos in the search engines as well. By creating 5 minute videos that are massage related, uploading them into Youtube and then including your website or blog link, you can not only drive a ton of targeted traffic to your site but you could also rank your site better in the search engines (both mean more money for you).
Marketing does not have to be a horrible task, it can actually be VERY exciting. By coming up to speed with what really works and is effective in this day and age in the marketing world, you can set yourself leaps and bounds ahead of the rest.
If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Look for my next post real soon with more valuable online tips and tricks that can make your income soar!