getting a massage today
While finishing school, I have been actively trying to establish a network of people to trade with. It seems to me that one of the best things about my schooling has been the exchanges. I love both sides of the process, the giving and the receiving, and if the one side gets lost in the "real world", I think I will feel as though I am missing 50% of the experience!I have a couple of fellow students I exchange with on a regular basis outside of school, and have been trying to expand that to include practitioners and students outside my class with some success. It can be difficult to deal with the proximity and scheduling issues that come up, but at this point I feel quite motivated to overcome the challenges.Maybe it's because it's all still pretty new to me, but unless I have had a just plain bad experience, I am able to find benefit from all the treatments I have received. They can vary from person to person and time to time in terms of continuity and content, but even a treatment that has rough spots often has inspired ones as well. I look at them as educational as well as enjoyable.