Hello, all! I am completely new to the whole of massage therapy. I'm 22 years old and one day (three days ago) upon realizing how my current career choice wasn't giving me any kind of fulfilment at all, I came across massage therapy and reflected on it. Turns out, it nails almost everything I want in a career. More specifically, I've always been drawn to the study of Reiki, even before looking at healing and massage therapy as a career choice. Only problem is, I have no point of reference when it comes this field. As a student of community college, majoring in a completely unrelated field, I'm a little at a loss as to how to make the transition and I pretty much don't know where to look to find some good information. I thought I should turn to the experienced for this!
So I wanted to ask everyone how they managed to set foot in practising Reiki. From knowing it was something you wanted to do, to how you first went about getting into, to where you are now. Anything that could help an aspiring MT would be of great use to me at this point. Thanks all!
So I wanted to ask everyone how they managed to set foot in practising Reiki. From knowing it was something you wanted to do, to how you first went about getting into, to where you are now. Anything that could help an aspiring MT would be of great use to me at this point. Thanks all!