I agree. The research I have done in my own business and working with other therapists shows that the majority of clients who don't come back pretty much forget to take care of themselves. It very rarely has anything to do with you. I think this is a great problem that you can help them solve. In fact, it is much easier to get a high perceneforum.xxxe of your old clients to start coming back than it is to get new clients.My July New Tips Newsletter was called Contact Energy. And it talked all about this issue, and how to prevent it.One practical tip I suggested was to go through your lists, find clients who have not been back for at least two months, and send them a post card. Just mention that you noticed they have not been in for awhile, and that you want to make sure everything is ok. Then you can suggest they schedule soon, and even provide what ever special, coupon, or added incentive you like. You could have a funny headline on top like:Can you move? I sure couldn’t if I went over two months without my massage.If you keep up a regular system of dong this (before it gets bad), you will lower your attrition rate, which is the reduction of existing clients. This is a great thing to do for you and your clients. Plus it is very profitable marketing compared to trying to get new clients, just like maestra said. And when they come back, they will be more loyal. They will appreciate that you took the effort to put out some good contact energy. It shows how much you care.Back issues of the newsletter are available to all current subscribers if you want to read the entire piece. The newsletter is free.Galen