Hi All!! 1st of all I would like to apologies for basically dropping off of the planet, but my Phuket trip did not go as planned I had a lot of financial pressure at home and wound up mostly touring instead of getting along with the ladies like originally planned ... I was too ashamed to show my face here as a result. But, like the pheonix, I rise again! I am planning another trip with a long time child hood friend. With him around I shall have NO trouble with the ladies playing games on me! Also I am a little wiser for my trip, so it was not a total waste. I know I DEFINITELY want to go to massage parlors AND pick up all nighters at the bar. Would you believe I actually convinced myself that it was okay to leave Phuket and NOT pick up girls?! WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Temporay Insanity is suspect (lol) Seriously though, they say the 3rd time is a charm .. and I intebd to do it right this time. Having said all this, please forgive what might seem like a stupid question, but what are the massage parlors hours? WE plan on going as soon as we get off of the plane practically (which might be late at night ...)