I found a LONG list of marketing ideas that I thought some of you might find helpful. http://www.thebodyworker.com/marketingideas.htmHere are the first few...Keep a file box on your desk with all your ideas in it on separate cards. Give your clients gift certificates to give to their friends and spouses. Send out birthday cards with a discounted massage offer. Call clients that you haven't seen in awhile and let them know what times you have available that week. Do market research and find out what others in your area are doing and how they are marketing. ย Ask them to send you their flyer, card or brochure. Return all phone calls within hours or at least the same day. Give regular clients a special volume discount - ย Buy 5 massages and pay up front and get $5.00 off of each massage. Publish a monthly or quarterly newsletter. (or email newsletter) Read marketing and business books to keep inspired.