I used to love premire...I mean the talent that was there, katie, nicole, nina, iris, daisy, to name a few.
They used to have some really good girls and great atmosphere. It's really just like any other spa now. They lost there top tier status.
Shame they didnt have the competecy skills to compete with seduction.
I remember when seduction was nothing, I accidentally found them driving from vivid spa. I remember doing a session there and was hooked on all the new young girls trying it out. It was really heaven. (Lorena, Alica, Olivia, rebecca, tanya) They first started the rewards points program and introduced the 30min sessions.
I used to always see brand new girls there, no tats, no strippers , all new girls trying to feed coke habits , make some extra money for school and buy Gucci bags.
When covid hit seduction navigated very well. They transitioned to hotel incalls and kept there girls working. Premire remained closed and fucked themselves royally. Most there great girls left to another agency , become independent or went to seduction.
I remember premire having 4 locations
Now they have 2 location. They dont even give you water anymore..how fucking cheap.
Seduction just had keele - look at seduction now - they opened the airport , took over flirt and just opener a new spa in brampton to get those steels royal horn dogs.
Seduction now has 4 locations
Premire still has only 2 location
Funny how it has been reversed
Premire wont last..