in may i had a really bad back massage. neck massage. he was like murdering me basically. about 2 weeks after that i started to get pain at the base of my neck. then it started to spread up the left side of my head. i had a ct scan done and it came back normal. (thank god). then i started to notice the pain would happen a lot with movement... but sometimes it just happens out of the clear blue sky. im really scared i have some kind of disease, specifically MS (because i read about it online!) i saw a neurologist and he said everything seems very normal with me neurologically. could all this pain REALLY be derived from the muscles and nerves of that masage?! im so freaked out. ive been dealing with this for 3 months but im finally on meds. i just want it to go away. any ideass?! its sharp pain, dull pain.. just regular waves of pain. so crazy...