Introduced species are plants or animals which have been allowed to run loose in a country hitherto foreign to them.
One major cause is human intervention. In Australia rabbits were bought in for food ( I think. Can't think of any other use for them.) Some got loose, mated and now we have a major environmental disaster throughout our farming crops.
Birds also bring in seeds on their beaks and these seeds grow into vegetation that may over take the natural, thus eventually depriving the native animals, birds and insects of their normal food. unless they can adapt to the new conditions, whole species are starved out.
Viable seeds are also contained in the droppings and spoor of birds and animals passing through which is another way to propagate foreign species.
By and large, however, gardeners are often responsible for a lot of unwanted plants. These former garden plants are often from overseas, they prosper so well in the new climate that the gardener is soon pruning severely and where does he dump the garden waste Down a quiet bush track. Lantana is such an unwanted invader as it is an aggressive grower under any conditions.
Does that help you to get a start?