don't quit, someone has to support the economy!!!!
Just think of the billions of dollars of tax revenue that is collected from smokers, then imagine where the government would go if they didn't collect those taxes?
When I was travelling for business sometimes I'd be on flights 5 hrs or more and sometimes with a connection for an hour for another 3 hrs flight. Halfway through I'd be ready to kill someone (literally) and if I was that way after 8 hrs?
I can't imagine the condition I'd be in after a couple of days.
As my doc says: I don't eat fried foods, I don't eat meat, I don't drink, do drugs, or any of the myriad of other unhealthy things. Smoking is bad, and she said we have to work on it sometime, but considering all the other unhealthy things I don't do? It's not that bad.
Frankly, until the government steps up and puts forth as much effort to help people from stopping smoking as they do with heroin, crack, meth and all the other drugs of choice, and provide cessation programs free of charge, I'll continue.
I've quit in the past, but it was more due to financial constraints than anything else. The ONLY way anyone can quit is if they really want to. There is no use trying unless the desire is there. Any attempt will be futile unless you really really want to. There is NO half assed way to quit.......
BTW: nicotine is proven to be far more addictive than all those illegal substances and yet the government doesn't support tobacco cessation programs, but does for all the others......and that pisses me off!!!!