That hasn't happened to me, though I have found that there are a few places have been *consistently* rude to me when I've called. And I mean I have bent over backwards to be nice while I asked who was working and/or could they describe someone in particular. Even when they have been flat out rude, I've tried to be nice (though in my head I am ready to tell them to go to hell).
Not sure if I should post the actual MPs, because it really isn't the MP's fault - it really is the MPA who answers the phone.
Actually, I will mention one location - Moulin Rouge. I can think of four seperate (and recent) occasions where this has happened, and I am next to absolutely positive that the person on the line was different on ALL occasions. Anyone else had that experience at this MP? I've read some really good reviews about this place and am still looking forward to checking out Simona (who has been reviewed as being quite nice), though it is a little annoying to be treated like dirty on the phone. I'd like to tell the owner, but do not know who he/she is. Hopefully they will read this.
I welcome any feedback.