This hillbilly boy comes home from school and asks his dad a question:
"Dad there's alot of words I dont understand, can you tell me what they mean?"
"Sure son, shoot!"
"Well, they been talking aboiut vaginas, penises, and bitches, and I don't know what it all means."
"Well, son, go get your book and I'll help you out!"
So the kid brings back his text book, and his dad shakes his head and says
'No son, go and get the Playboy book'
So the kid does, and when he brings it back, his dad opens up to the centerfold and with a marker, circles around the model's crotch and says:
"Come here son, you see that? [pointing at the circle]"
'Yeah dad, what is it?"
"That is a vagina, and everything outside of that circle, is a bitch!"