At best it is a starting point for your own questions to get your own independent answers.
DO NOT sign a representation agreement if you are a buyer. This crap locks you into them for no reason. If you are a seller and need a listing agreement that is different.
DO NOT let your agent handle both sides of the deal.
DO NOT use a home inspector, lawyer, contractor that your agent says is a buddy of his. They will have a deal, they will want the sale to close, they will not look out for you. Get your own professionals.
Once there is an offer every agent wants the deal to close more than to negotiate. This is where everyone ends up with a conflict of interest with their real estate agent and needs to be very strong so as not to be manipulated. Let me illustrate with some simple math.
An agent will put approximately 2% of the sale price into his/her own pocket (This is not the total commission paid, I'm talking about what the agent gets, and yes, the splits with the other agent and the brokerage vary but this is a ball park).
So on a $400,000 downtown condo the agent is looking to pocket $8,000.
Now suppose you and the seller are $10,000 apart. Your agent's cut of the that is $200.
Your agent is faced with, get you to cave and make $7,800 for himself, or risk getting nothing. That's why the agent will always try to beat down their own client. To you its $10,000 to him its $200 and he would rather give up the $200 and close the deal.
Remember the Golden Rule - "He who has the gold gets to make the rules". As the buyer you have the gold, you set the rules.