Just politely explain that you have begun to attend LDS church and they are welcome to attend with you if they so choose. You cannot make them change and their is no reason to make them do so. Just because you have chosen that path does not mean they must. If they decide they would like to attend with you be humble and not pushy. That is the biggest pet peeve I have with organized religion, just because someone believes something that doesn't mean those around them all must share an identical belief. Just let them be aware of the change and that they are welcome to share it with you, if they are interested in your life they will most likely go check it out with you, but you cannot force them, or coerce them, into being a member. As far as events, anything to do with food would be a good introduction, if your church holds picnics or pot lucks, that is an excellent way to introduce them to the church. Anything with food usually takes a lot of stress out of a situation.